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The modder's name is Stan Dmitriev, and he is the CMO and co-founder of SurrogateTV. According to his Twitter bio, he's into robotics, chess, and esports. He is additionally a accomplished SBC enthusiast, as his latest activity demonstrates already again. Dmitriev additionally formed a GoPro and abduction agenda into his project, admitting addendum users can apply a Raspberry Pi camera bore or webcam instead. "The bureaucracy runs via a website alleged and uses its open-source Python SDK. There's a premade bold arrangement for an RC Car setup, so you don't alike charge to cipher to carbon the setup," Dmitriev explains. What is abnormally accurate about this mod is actuality able to ascendancy the RC car through the web, with a appealing fast acknowledgment time. According to Dmitriev, there is about a 200ms delay. That ability be adverse for gaming, but as he demonstrates in the video, it works absolutely able-bodied with the RC car, which he can