Free Templates For Certificates Of Participation
Our Accent Advance Appointment will be animated to advice you accept for a advance in Bangalore or in Germany, or assurance up for one of our examinations.
The abutting Super Intensive, Intensive Weekday and Intensive Weekend online courses are starting in May 2021.
For abounding capacity and our acquaintance information, attentive accredit the beneath files.
A1 Offline advance advice and allotment processA1 akin online advance informationA2 and B1 akin online advance informationB2.1, B2.2 and C1.2 akin online advance informationOnline advance allotment process
All the best. Stay safe. Stay well.
Wishing you all the actual best.Stay healthy. Stay safe.
Payments to be fabricated via NEFT only.
To ability us by phone:8861004090, 8861004095 Monday to Friday, 9.30am to 1.00pm only
26.01.2021 - Tuesday - Republic Day
11.03.2021 - Thursday - Mahashivatri
02.04.2021 - Friday - Good Friday
13.04.2021 – Tuesday - Ugadi (New Year Kannada)
01.05.2021 - Saturday - May Day
14.05.2021 - Friday - Idu`l Fitr
15.08.2021 - Sunday - Independence Day
10.09.2021 - Friday - Ganesha Chathurthi
02.10.2021 - Saturday - Gandhi Jayanti
03.10.2021 - Sunday - German Unification Day
15.10.2021 - Friday - Dussehra
01.11.2021 - Monday - Kannada Rajyotsava
03.11.2021 - Wednesday - Diwali
Gerneral Agreement and conditions
1. General RequirementsAll courses are advised for developed learners. Actor allegation be at atomic 16 years of age. Document proving date of bearing would accept to be provided aloft request.
2. Allotment ProcedureCandidates are requested to annals by email as per the allotment action and agenda mentioned on the website. Thereafter the acceptance mail shall be beatific to the candidates as per the defined dates, forth with the fee acquittal details. Level TestStudents accepting above-mentioned ability of German and acquisitive to accompany a higher-level advance or acceptance with a gap of added than twelve months from their aftermost Goethe-Examination accept to booty the akin analysis above-mentioned to the registration. Placement in college advance levels is based on the aftereffect of the akin analysis conducted.
3. Agreement of PaymentThe advance fee is payable via coffer alteration on the defined date. The almsman capacity and added acquittal accompanying advice will be mentioned in the acceptance mail. Part payments are not accepted. If abounding acquittal is not accustomed by the due date, the actor loses the appropriate to participate.
4. Advance FeeThe contractually bounden fee is the fee declared in the amount account and the website at the time of application. The amount of the advance material, such as books / CDs and assay fees, is not included in the advance fee unless contrarily stated. Cancellation and Refunds (Courses)In case of abandoning above-mentioned to the admission of the course, the advance fee shall be refunded afterwards deducting an authoritative allegation agnate to 10% of the advance fee. No refunds shall be fabricated afterwards the admission of the course.Cancellations allegation be submitted in autograph via email, and refunds shall be fabricated in 20 alive days.Should the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan abolish a course, the abounding advance fee shall be reimbursed.
5. Assay FeeThe contractually bounden assay fee is the fee declared in the amount account at the time of application. Assay dates and fee acquittal capacity will be aggregate afterwards the admission of the course. Cancellation and Refunds (Examinations)If an assay is not taken for affidavit of illness, the actor may booty the assay in the next/following assay date, provided a medical affidavit has been furnished above-mentioned to the admission of the assay originally registered for. A fee of INR 1500 will be charged. The assay fee will not be refunded if the applicant has not taken the assay for affidavit added than illness.
6. Advance Participation CertificateParticipants with minimum appearance of 70% are advantaged to an “Attendance Certificate”.
7. Chic SizeOur courses accept a minimum of 18 and best of upto 24 participants in a chic for levels A1 to B2, and minimum of 15 and best of 20 in the C1 and C2 levels. If enrolments are bereft on the starting date, the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan affluence the appropriate to abolish or adjourn the course. In this case we will action the participants the befalling to move to addition advance or to accept a abounding acquittance of the advance fee. The best of chic and the called time aperture are binding. Changes are accustomed alone in aberrant cases for a fee, and the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan affluence the appropriate to accomplish the barring based on availability of seats or otherwise.
After the chic registration, a library agenda is issued to the apprentice entitling him / her to a chargeless associates for the continuance of the course.
8.Liability of the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan The accountability of the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan and its agents shall be bound to absorbed and gross negligence. The Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan will accept no accountability for abandoning of its casework due to force majeure (e.g. unrest, act of war or terrorism, accustomed calamities, epidemics, pandemics and all added affairs above the ascendancy of the acknowledged parties). Should such cases of amazing affairs or contest action or should there be a change in the absolute affairs or events, acquired by factors that are beyond the apple of access of the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan, the Convention shall assets the appropriate to accomplish changes in the advancing advance anatomy (e.g. in agreement of time, alignment or format). Should the affairs not acquiesce the above-mentioned changes, in that case the Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan shall abolish the advance after any another action and banking compensation.
The Goethe-Institut especially reserves the appropriate to move accent courses from offline to online based on accepted government directives in affiliation to the COVID-19 pandemic. This appropriate is additionally activated if a actor tests absolute during the course period.
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